The Chuandong Hound is a very unique breed with many characteristics that are similar to cats, they keep themselves impeccably clean particularly their feet, under belly and legs if they are wet or muddy, they are easy to house train, they can turn their ears individually to identify sounds and they are very sure footed. They are extremely intelligent and loyal with a willingness to learn, they attach quickly to all family members making them very alert house dogs.
Chuandong Hounds are affectionate and loving with all family members, especially Children who they adore. They play with toys patting them with their feet and throwing them up to catch them, they enjoy running around at great speed, but they love nothing more than being close to family members for cuddles … Chuandongs are great company and fun to have around.
All this character with the added bonus that they have a single sparse coat that does not shed making them a truly Hypoallergenic breed.